Pakistan Tax Law Firm

Verify NTN Online By CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site

What is an NTN?

The National Tax Number (NTN) is a number that the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) assigns to each taxpayer. The NTN is used by FBR to track your income and tax information. To verify your NTN you need to fill out a form on their website and then send it back to them by mail. You can now Verify your NTN Online-by CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site

Verify your NTN Online-by CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site

Verify your NTN Online by CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site

The Federal Board of Revenue has launched a new online facility for verification of National Tax Numbers. It is mandatory for all taxpayers, who have their tax returns filed with the FBR, to use this service. This facility can be used by individual taxpayers as well as companies registered under the Income Tax Ordinance 2001. To begin with, you need to enter your NRC on any computer connected to the Internet with a valid email address and password. Once logged in, you will be able to view details about your accounts and transactions conducted over the course of the last eight years (2014-15 through 2020-21). You may also download these reports in PDF format if needed. The report contains information regarding:-

  • Your income tax returns filed during these three years;
  • Balance due on those returns;
  • Rebates claimed during those three years and their status (whether received or not)
  • Details about refunds that were issued against any rebate claim made earlier than January 1st 2017

What is NTN?

NTN stands for National Tax Number. It is a unique number to be used for all transactions with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Your NTN has been allocated to you by the FBR and it will be issued by your tax department in Pakistan.

You can only verify the details of your NTN with FBR if you have already received an approval notice from them. If you haven’t received an approval notice yet or don’t know what it looks like, go back and visit our page on how to Register NTN Online From CNIC Verification Site.

How to verify your NTN online?

  • Open the e.FBR website and click on NTN Verification Link
  • Enter your CNIC number, and captcha in the given fields
  • Your detail will be shown in the NTN Verification page

You can now Verify your NTN Online By CNIC From FBR Online Verification Site.

NTN verification is not a mandatory procedure to be completed. The NTN is a  number given to you by the FBR that allows you to verify your identity and complete transactions with the government. It’s important to note that this process should only be done once, otherwise, you may have difficulty accessing your account in the future.

The easiest way to verify your NTN online is by using CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card). This card contains information about an individual’s name, date of birth and other vital details required for verification purposes. If your CNIC has expired or been lost or stolen/missing then please visit any one of our offices in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi or Lahore for further assistance with this process.

Knowledge about how to Verify Your NTN Online by CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site

After reading this article, I hope you now have a better understanding of what NTN is and how to verify your NTN online by CNIC From the FBR Online Verification Site. It is important that you verify your NTN because the government has made it mandatory for all taxpayers to do so. In addition, verifying your number will help avoid any errors in tax returns filed by you or anyone else on behalf of you.

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